• New Hampshire state seal set against blue field with words "Election 2024"

    Poll: Biden Leads Trump among NH Voters

    Of 600 likely New Hampshire voters surveyed, Biden leads Trump 42% to 36%, with less than six months until Election Day. Eleven percent of respondents support independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., while 9% are undecided and 2% say they will vote for another candidate.
    Press Release
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    CPO Finds Biden, Trump Tied at 42% Support

    At 42%, President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump are tied for support in the upcoming 2024 U.S. general election, according to the latest national poll from the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
    Press Release
  • Montage of state of NH map, the Presidential Range, a welcome to NH sign and people standing in line

    Poll: Trump Holds 16-Point Lead over Haley in Republican N.H. Primary Race

    Former President Donald Trump appears poised to win the New Hampshire Republican presidential primary Tuesday by a 16-point margin over former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, according to new poll results issued by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion and YouGov.
    Press Release
  • Montage of state of NH map, the Presidential Range, a welcome to NH sign and people standing in line

    Poll: Trump Way Out Front, Haley Trails by 30 points in Republican Field for N.H. primary

    Former President Donald Trump holds a commanding lead for the Granite State Republican party’s nomination in the 2024 race for the White House, with former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley in a not-so-close second – she trails by 30 points – according to poll results issued Thursday by UMass Lowell’s Center for Public Opinion and YouGov.
    Press Release
  • Americans love football

    Poll: Football Remains America’s Favorite Game, Despite Fan Reservations

    As an estimated 193 million people prepare to watch Sunday’s Super Bowl between the Kansas City Chiefs and Philadelphia Eagles, fans express major concerns with violence on and off the field, according to a poll released Wednesday by UMass Lowell’s Center for Public Opinion. 
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  • Artist's interpretation of map of Georgia

    Poll: Warnock Slightly Ahead in Georgia’s U.S. Senate Runoff

    Incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Raphael Warnock has an apparent lead over GOP challenger Herschel Walker in the race that will decide the final balance of power in the chamber, according to a poll released Monday by UMass Lowell’s Center for Public Opinion. 
    Press Release
  • Brick mill with Massachusetts written across it

    Democrats Surge Ahead in Top Bay State Leadership Roles

    Amid deep set polarization, looming economic concerns and the retirement of a long-popular governor, Democrats may sweep all four Massachusetts constitutional positions in the 2022 midterm election, according to the latest findings of UMass Lowell’s Center for Public Opinion.
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  • Capitol Hill icon

    Expert: Leaders Should Follow Constitution’s Principles, Not Partisan Interest

    As the House of Representatives considers whether to hold President Donald Trump accountable for his alleged role in last week’s deadly siege at the U.S. Capitol, a constitutional law expert says it’s unlikely Trump would be able to pardon himself – or for impeachment proceedings to ultimately convict him.
    Press Release
  • Zoom scree with five people on it

    Decision 2020: The Winners, the Losers and When Will We Know?

    Unprecedented. Almost everything about the 2020 presidential election is different than before. UMass Lowell gathered three experts -- including UMass system President and former U.S. Rep. Marty Meehan -- to discuss the campaigns and where we might all end up after Nov. 3.
    Featured Story
  • Pile of 2020 Presidential Election buttons

    New Polls Offer Updated View of Likely Voters in Swing States

    UMass Lowell’s Center for Public Opinion conducted polls in October of likely voters in three swing states – New Hampshire, North Carolina and Texas – that offer a total of 57 electoral votes in the presidential election.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New N.C. Poll: Biden and Trump Tied

    With less than a week to go before Election Day, President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden remain deadlocked in the race for the 15 electoral votes in the swing state of North Carolina, according to a new poll released today.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New Texas Poll: Trump and Biden in Close Race

    President Donald Trump is about even with former Vice President Joe Biden in a close contest for Texas’ 38 electoral votes in a new swing state poll of Texas likely voters released today
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New N.H. Poll: Biden Leads Trump by 10 Points

    Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by 10 points among likely New Hampshire voters, according to a new poll released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
    Press Release
  • Pile of red, white and blue vote buttons

    Experts: Expect ‘More Chaos’ in Presidential Debate

    Viewers of tonight’s final debate between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden are in for a bumpy ride as Trump goes all out to win voters, according to UMass Lowell politics experts available for interviews about the event. 
    Press Release
  • Closeup of leafy greens in greenhouse

    New National Poll: Young Americans Favor Reforms

    The time has come for reform on how the United States deals with the electoral process, the environment and social justice, according to a new national poll released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion that takes an in-depth look at the views of Americans age 18 to 39.
    Press Release
  • Pile of 2020 Presidential Election buttons

    New National Poll: Biden Leads Trump by 10

    Former Vice President Joe Biden has a 10-point lead over President Donald Trump in the contest for the White House in a new national poll of likely voters released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
    Press Release
  • Pile of red, white and blue vote buttons

    Decision 2020: UMass Lowell Offers Voting Resources

    Members of the UMass Lowell community have been involved in the election process on multiple fronts, including scholarship and research, voter registration efforts, election polling in battleground states and community education on the history of voting rights.
    Featured Story
  • Pile of 2020 Presidential Election buttons

    Experts: Specter of COVID-19 Hangs Over VP Debate, Election

    Every moment spent talking about COVID-19 during tomorrow night’s vice presidential debate is a moment Republicans will be “losing the message war,” according to UMass Lowell political scientists available for interviews on the subject.
    Press Release
  • Joshua Dyck, director of the UML Center for Public Opinion

    UML Pollster Josh Dyck Takes Pulse of Divided Nation

    Division. Doubt. COVID-19. There's plenty to fret in 2020, but Josh Dyck, who oversees the university's Center for Public Opinion, believes voter turnout isn't one of them.
    Featured Story
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New Texas Poll: Trump up in Close Race

    President Donald Trump has an apparent lead over former Vice President Joe Biden in a close contest for Texas’ 38 electoral votes according to a new poll of likely voters in the state released today.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New N.C. Poll: Biden and Trump Tied

    President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are deadlocked in the race for North Carolina’s 15 electoral votes, according to a new poll released today.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New N.H. Poll: Biden Leads Trump in Run for President

    Former Vice President Joe Biden has an eight-point lead over President Donald Trump among likely New Hampshire voters, according to a new poll released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
    Press Release
  • Pile of 2020 Presidential Election buttons

    Swing State Voters Weigh in on Presidential Race

    UMass Lowell’s Center for Public Opinion recently conducted polls of likely voters in three swing states – New Hampshire, North Carolina and Texas – that offer a total of 57 electoral votes in the presidential election.
    Press Release
  • Four interlocking hands and wrists

    Poll: Americans’ Views of Systemic Racism Divided by Race

    In the wake of outrage across the nation and racial justice protests, more than half of Americans believe policing in the country is not fair, according to a new national poll released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New Mass. Poll: Markey up 12 Points in U.S. Senate Primary

    Incumbent Edward Markey has opened up a double-digit lead over challenger U.S. Rep. Joseph Kennedy III one week before the Democratic primary in the race for U.S. Senate, according to a new poll of Massachusetts voters released today.
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  • Pile of 2020 Presidential Election buttons

    Experts: Harris ‘the Safest Choice’ as Biden’s VP Pick

    Joe Biden’s selection of U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris of California as his running mate in the 2020 presidential race is a “safe” choice that reflects the aspirations of Democrats, according to UMass Lowell political scientists available for interviews.
    Press Release
  • Pile of 2020 Presidential Election buttons

    Expert: Trump ‘Throws Gasoline on Fire’ With Bid to Delay Election

    President Donald Trump’s bid to delay the presidential election due to concerns over potential voter fraud is a political tactic designed to create doubt and mistrust among voters, according to a politics expert available for interviews.
    Press Release
  • UML Assoc. Prof. Joshua Dyck looks at a political map of the U.S.

    UMass Lowell a Training Ground for Political Scientists

    UMass Lowell students are gaining experience in political research, polling and data analysis, thanks to their involvement in the university’s Center for Public Opinion.
    Press Release
  • UML Assoc. Prof. Joshua Dyck looks at a political map of the U.S.

    UML Expands Polling in 2020 with Student Help

    With help from undergraduates, the Center for Public Opinion expanded its polling in 2020, measuring approval ratings for political leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic and taking the temperature of Democratic primary voters in key early voting states.
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  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New Calif. Primary Poll: Sanders has Lead

    U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders is in the lead with likely voters in the California Democratic primary, according to a new poll released today.
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  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New Mass. Poll: Sanders, Warren are Neck-and-Neck

    U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders and U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren are locked in a neck-and-neck race for delegates in the Massachusetts primary, according to a new poll released today by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New Minn. Primary Poll: Klobuchar Leads

    U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar has the most support among likely voters in the Democratic primary race in her home state of Minnesota, according to a new poll released today.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New N.C. Primary Poll: Sanders Ahead of Pack

    U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has the most support among likely voters in the North Carolina Democratic primary, according to a new poll released today.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New Texas Primary Poll: Sanders Has Narrow Edge

    U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has the most support among likely voters in the Texas Democratic primary, according to a new poll released today.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New S.C. Primary Poll: Biden Holds Edge

    With the South Carolina presidential primary just 10 days away, former Vice President Joe Biden has a narrow edge over U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders in a new poll released today.
    Press Release
  • Election 2020 graphic with outline of state imposed on background image of capital building

    New Poll: Sanders Leads Democratic Field in N.H.

    Just one day before the New Hampshire Democratic primary, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders has the lead among those vying for the party’s nomination, but 40 percent of likely voters say they could still change their mind, according to a new poll by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion.
    Press Release
  • Pile of 2020 Presidential Election buttons

    New poll: N.H. Democratic primary is too close to call

    With only eight days to go, the New Hampshire Democratic primary is wide open, with a close race for the lead and a large share of likely voters who say they could still change their mind, according to a new poll released on Monday, Feb. 3.
    Press Release
  • Young woman putting paper ballot into ballot box

    Poll: Majority of Millennials Do Not Like Trump, Twitter

    Sixty-two percent of all millennials – Americans ages 18 to 37 – surveyed by the UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion said they disapprove of Trump’s job performance and only 37 percent said they view the president favorably. The independent, nonpartisan poll of 1,000 adults, which has a margin of error of 3.4 percent, was conducted prior to the government shutdown.